Precise Details of Holiness Revealed by Chris T
Precise Details of Holiness Revealed by Chris T

Be Your Greatest Self: The guide to enlightenment and legendary life

Heralding from the ancient Egyptian culture, holiness is a mathematical relationship that details how to claim the whole sum of wholesome.

PRINCE GEORGE, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA, April 7, 2024 / — Author and theologian Chris T reveals a precise definition of holiness in his latest video, then explains how to integrate this understanding for a greater self, life, and world. The ancient wisdom he shares is foundational in many faiths. By revealing the finer details, Chris T helps society achieve the promise of all faiths, infinite goodness in all regards.

Chris T’s eight-minute video gives a clear picture of how to improve every aspect of life, both individually and collectively, then reveals the significant journey that awaits every person and society. Ancient prophecies foretell of humanity realizing the whole sum of wholesome, or in ancient terms, uniting heaven and earth. People have sought fulfillment of this prophecy for ages, and Chris T’s clear definition of holiness explains how this is achieved. The answers were within ancient scripture all along; they’re now deciphered and available for everyone to leverage.

Chris T’s definition of holiness is one of many empowering videos on The Inner Buddha’s YouTube channel. In other footage, he applies logic and reason to explain the forelife, afterlife, reincarnation, faith healing, effective prayer methods, infinite time, why evil is a myth, and more. He also provides simple solutions to global quests, including how to end inflation and achieve everlasting peace. New videos are added regularly, each revealing addition wisdom of world theologies.

How Chris T empowers others: People have always sought deep wisdom. What exists beyond the reality people recognize? How do individuals rise to the pinnacle of personal greatness? What methods are used to surpass personal potential? Answers to these and other burning questions permeate scripture, but they are only recognized by those who understand the words. Chris T defines long-lost ancient terms and connects empowering historical views with today’s understandings, resulting in encompassing perspectives that solve humanity’s greatest quests. Wherever the objective is wholesome… health, wealth, happiness, financial success, lifespan, or any other goodness, the answer is in ancient script and Chris T presents it clearly.

About Enlightening Strikes Guidebooks: The greatest wealth of the ancients is instruction on how to complete every goodness. An overview of this wisdom is provided in Chris T’s videos, while comprehensive details are revealed in Enlightening Strikes guidebooks. This higher degree of teaching is for all who would reach the pinnacle of success, then help society do likewise. The first book in the series is Be Your Greatest Self: The guide to enlightenment and legendary life.

Chris Terai
The Inner Buddha
[email protected]
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Gain a logical view of holiness and learn how to claim the whole sum of wholesome

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