Whether it’s climate change, pandemic threats of the future, the rise of authoritarianism, these are issues that face everyone, everywhere.”

— president and CEO of Chemonics, Jamey Butcher

WASHINGTON, DC, UNITED STATES, July 18, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Chemonics International, a leading global sustainable development firm, has partnered with Acumen Media to develop a short documentary, “Harnessing Tech for Sustainable Development” as part of the Vision 2045 campaign. The documentary explores how Chemonics’ team in Colombia adapted open-source software called Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) to help national park experts to quickly identify, monitor, and address climate-induced threats to regional ecosystems. As one of the most biodiverse regions in the world, Colombia’s ecosystems are key to the overall health of our entire planet, and Chemonics’ project teams have worked in other countries, including Bangladesh and the Philippines, to ensure other vital forests and environments remain thriving and productive.

The documentary shines light on one example of how Chemonics aims to leverage and invest in new technologies, media, innovation, and creative collaborations to expand and deepen the impact of sustainable development work across the globe, serving as a catalyst to meet the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Within the documentary, the president and CEO of Chemonics, Jamey Butcher, reflects on the urgency of meeting the SDGs and the future of Chemonics. “Whether it’s climate change, pandemic threats of the future, the rise of authoritarianism, these are issues that face everyone, everywhere. And so, the next 50 years of Chemonics are going to be adapting technology and best practices in ways that really enable our local partners to thrive and create solutions for their communities and their country that are sustainable and long-lasting.”

Founded in 1975, Chemonics lists Innovation and Private Sector Engagement as just two of the integrated solutions it uses to address complex global challenges and features its Innovation Playbook as a resource for others seeking to make impactful change. To learn more about Chemonics, visit www.chemonics.com.

Watch our Campaign Film here on Reuters.

At Chemonics, we help our partners transform life-changing ideas into world-changing ones. Our international enterprise offers connections – global and local, human and technological – that allow learning to efficiently flow and adapt between experts, projects and countries. This is how we match the speed and scale of humanity’s most pressing challenges, solving real problems in real time. We apply effective education practices from Mexico to improve children’s literacy in Tajikistan. We adapt renewable energy lessons from Iraq to support local governments in Lebanon. And we deliver results. With 6,000 staff in more than a hundred countries around the globe, our teams reflect the diversity of technical expertise and lived experience required to succeed in the world’s most complex social and political environments. We’re a leading partner in sustainable development, because where Chemonics works, development works. Follow us on LinkedIn or visit us at www.chemonics.com.

Eloise McKenna
Acumen Media
+44 20 3553 3664
email us here

Chemonics | Harnessing Tech For Sustainable Development

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/728344877/connection-and-technology-drive-the-future-of-sustainable-development-in-new-chemonics-documentary

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