Healer and Intuitive Cindy McCarley to be Featured on Close Up Radio
Healer and Intuitive Cindy McCarley to be Featured on Close Up Radio

VERNAL, UTAH, UNITED STATES, February 15, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Life can bring us picture perfect moments of bliss and happiness. Enjoying a vacation in a tropical paradise, getting that first kiss, dancing to our favorite song, and playing with our four- legged pets. But along with joy come very difficult moments, hardship, adversity, trauma, and deep disappointments that inevitably bring pain, grief, and sorrow. When we face such turmoil, we begin to question our very existence and furtively look outside of ourselves for answers, validation, and reassurance when the fundamental truth is, all the answers we seek lie right in our very own soul. As we struggle to understand, we need someone of extraordinary perception to get us back on our soul’s path again.

For over twenty-four years, Cindy McCarley, a highly sought after practitioner gifted with both healing and intuitive skills, has been seeing and treating the whole person; body, mind and spirit. Through her incredible soul readings, she has helped countless individuals move towards a natural state of consciousness that provides clarity, insight, possibilities, and solutions.

Cindy is able to “see”, “feel”, and “know” our past, present and future and offer us guidance from our Soul’s point of view. Her work is deeply rooted in an integrative approach that encourages us to discover how to connect with our internal guidance system to embrace our own intuition. In a reading like no other you will ever get, Cindy brings us messages from our higher self. Her phenomenal abilities to “see” our soul truly enlightens us. In fact, there’s nothing Cindy can’t “see”, “feel”, or “know”.

Cindy can see what lifelines we have, our purpose on earth, any illnesses lurking in our bodies, it’s all revealed. Whether she is working with individuals or in groups, people can ask questions because Cindy’s work is never scripted, her soul speaks through her, so the responses are from her soul not from her. She wholeheartedly and unequivocally reminds us she is an intuitive not psychic.

While listening to our soul, Cindy sees everything. Our soul tells her our entire life story.

She says we are a soul having a human experience. We are eternal.

Such self-awareness from her readings will help us achieve pure enlightenment and peace no matter what our woes and sorrows. Indeed, if we open ourselves up to it, we can heal from the wounds of our past and release aches and pains that have been severely weighing us down, robbing us from the joys of life.

Even as a young child, Cindy sensed and could predict things before they could happen but it wasn’t till her adult life that she fully embraced her incredible gifts. Through her own experiences, trials and tribulations, and unimaginable grief, she soon realized society’s deep need for healing and chose to take her own compassion and knowledge to the next level by helping others overcome their pain towards recovery, transformation, and spiritual awakening.

Cindy’s role is to empower us to transform our lives by embracing the journey of living no matter what our hurdles or heartaches. We can now completely honor each step of our healing and step into our authentic divine power.

In Cindy’s sessions, we are guided to connect with our internal state, foster receptivity, deep listening, and to pay attention to people, places, and things that bring us joy, so we begin to radiate and love ourselves more fully and unconditionally.

We start to finally live in alignment with our soul’s purpose and be empowered to do everything we have always dreamed of.

This inner work, spiritual healing, and raising our consciousness will allow our intuition to guide us to embrace our authenticity.

Everything we are searching for is already within us, says Cindy. When we attune to our core essence, we are able to create a life that’s vibrant, truthful, and aligned.

Cindy says pain and grief are a natural part of life but we have a choice to end our own suffering and never let ourselves be defeated.

She says, “Grief is the cost of having loved someone,” because she deeply understands that loving means hurting because our hearts mourn deeply when we lose those we hold most dear, including our beloved pets.

Cindy also has a great love of animals because of their pure loving energy and unconditional love, and she surrounds herself with her fur babies and other amazing animals on her beautiful farm.

Cindy shares her wisdom, truth, healing, and intuitive guidance with all who come to her in search of assistance and guidance.

Whether it be dealing with trauma and grief, relationships, emotional blocks, she connects us to the unconditional love of the universe and to our hearts. She advises us on how to overcome our challenges with positive energy. When we begin to allow our soul to guide us, we can move through life with more ease, peace, and pure joy.

Cindy says every single should accept one another and there would be no war no judgment. Because everything is interconnected.

She will truly transform the way we look at life. Become less stressed, less combative, more at ease, and filled with light, love, and compassion for ourselves and others.

Cindy reminds us that our mental, emotional, and physical health are all intertwined. When we balance our mind and body, we can truly live the best, healthiest life possible and what can ever be better than that?

Close Up Radio will feature Cindy McCarley in an interview with Jim Masters on Monday February 19th at 1pm Eastern and with Doug Llewelyn on Monday February 26th at 1pm Eastern

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio

If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389

For more information, visit www.cindymccarley.com

Written By: Beatrice Maria Centeno

Lou Ceparano
Close Up Television & Radio
+1 631-850-3314
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/688882977/healer-and-intuitive-cindy-mccarley-to-be-featured-on-close-up-radio

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