Patrick Diorio of Real Life Coaching Services to be Featured on Close Up Radio

BOULDER, COLORADO, UNITED STATES, December 13, 2023 / — “Life is a series of choices,” states our guest. “You define yourself by the choices you make.” “There is no such thing as a wrong decision,” he adds. “You just get a different experience.” This is the story of Patrick Diorio.

Patrick Diorio is a life coach and registered psychotherapist at Real Life Coaching Services. Established in 2022, Patrick offers one-on-one coaching with knowledge of psychotherapy.

Growing up, Patrick, despite not going through personal trauma, did have validation issues which made him introverted and shy. As a result, when he reached age twelve, he decided to create the persona of a strong leader. At age thirty, he was hired by IBM, as he was great at logical and left-brained tasks. While there, Patrick took a Myers-Briggs personality test, which confirmed that, while he was in fact excellent with left-brain activities, he unfortunately was lacking in people skills – something that he decided to work on by pursuing a communication degree.

While working on his forty-year career in IT, Patrick experienced a spiritual awakening. He decided to focus on mental health and personal growth, pursuing a degree in counseling. Between 2009 and 2012, Patrick maintained a psychotherapy side business for clients with financial need, receiving referrals from a local college. While Real Life Coaching Services is currently a side business, Patrick intends to focus on it full time within the upcoming months.

“I don’t do diagnosis,” summarizes Patrick. “I don’t put labels on people. However, I do know when people are hurting and what is driving it. I then can work on the coaching aspect, using a cognitive behavioral approach to understand what they are thinking.

“I do well with people who are really down, hurting, and at risk,” explains Patrick. “I can connect with them and assure them that there is nothing wrong with them. I provide a safe space for them to heal – to embrace themselves and who they are in their healing. In fact, I am sharpening my focus on personal identity transformation. This new program will be known as Real Life Next Level Transformation. This program is for those who are stuck in their limiting beliefs of who they are,” adds Patrick. “The intention is to help them become who they want to be and to move forward.”

Shortly after establishing his coaching business, Patrick co-authored a book with board certified holistic health practitioner, Arianna Sidway. Slated for a March 2024 release, the book titled The Integrated Self: Your Guide to Authentic Personal and Spiritual Growth is partly based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. “We have needs that do not get satisfied as children,” explains Patrick. “According to Maslow, we spend our lives focused on our deficiency needs. The idea is that we chase what we didn’t get as a child. I refer to this as ego development.”

In conjunction with the book release, Patrick will launch his speaking career, while using it as a key component. He is also rolling out a new initiative, named Be the Ripple Mentorship Program.

“If you believe that you are meant for more than what your life is giving to you, and you don’t know the next step, there is nothing wrong with you,” concludes Patrick. “Be brave and reach out to a life coach or therapist who can help guide the next steps in your life path.”

Close Up Radio will feature Patrick Diorio in an interview with Jim Masters on Friday December 15th at 1pm Eastern

Listen to the show on BlogTalkRadio

If you have any questions for our guest, please call (347) 996-3389

For more information about Patrick’s business, please visit

To learn more about Patrick’s book The Integrated Self: Your Guide to Authentic Personal and Spiritual Growth, please visit

Lou Ceparano
Close Up Television & Radio
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