Wayne Johnson for Congress Says “Labor Report Shows Biden/Bishop Inflation Destroying 2nd District Family Incomes”

Wayne Johnson, Republican Candidate for the 2nd District serving Middle and Southwest Georgia

I started talking about kitchen table issues in 2022, and what we are seeing today is much, much worse.”

— A. Wayne Johnson

PLAINS, GA, UNITED STATES, May 17, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Congressional candidate Dr. Wayne Johnson said today that “all families in the 2nd Congressional District which covers middle and all of Southwest Georgia, Republican and Democratic alike, are facing extreme “kitchen table issues” due to the Biden/Sanford Bishop caused inflation.”

Johnson was mainly reacting to the U.S. Department of Labor monthly inflation report for March 2024. The April report was released this week and contained the same continuing bad news for the hard-working people of Georgia.

“I started talking about kitchen table issues in 2022, and what we are seeing today is much, much worse,” said Johnson, an Army veteran and businessman who served as a senior official in the Trump Administration. “I hear people expressing frustration about their financial distress of basic living everywhere I go in the 2nd District. Food, rent, gas, utilities, car payments, car insurance, medicine are kitchen table issues families are trying to figure out, and how to get by, week to week, on paychecks that have not had real growth in almost 4 years.”

“The downward pressure on the real value of family incomes began under President Biden in 2021 with unprecedented freewheel spending. Sanford Bishop was there every step of the way, supporting every one of Democrat and President Biden’s policies. It is a must time for a change in the White House; and for changing out Sanford Bishop in Congress”, emphasized Dr. Johnson, who went on to say, “In my opinion, Sanford Bishop and Biden are “tone deaf” to the real economic hurt that people in Southwest Georgia are experiencing, especially seniors and others living on modest fixed incomes, or even no fixed incomes”.

Johnson is a leading candidate on the ballot for the Republican nomination from the 2nd Georgia Congressional District. The Republican Primary Election Day is Tuesday, May 21.

Dr. Wayne Johnson has the business experience, Washington experience and financial background needed to meet the challenge to stabilize the American economy. Johnson’s career covers more than 30 years of experience as an entrepreneur, senior executive and CEO of multiple businesses, both domestic and international. He is a jobs creator, having created more than 10,000 good paying jobs while solving big-time issues affecting people’s lives.

“We have to have a Republican majority committed to getting spending under control,” said Johnson, a lifelong resident of Macon. “The numbers do not lie. The next administration and Congress must address what is now an extremely critical situation.”


• The consumer price index, a broad measure of the price of everyday goods including gasoline, groceries and rent, has risen 18.95 percent since January 2021, when President Trump left office.

• Food prices are up 21 percent when compared with January 2021.

• Auto insurance costs rose for the fifth straight month, rising 22.2% from the same time last year.

• In the three-month period from October to December 2023 total credit card debt now stands at $1.13 trillion, an increase of $50 billion. It marks the highest level on record in Federal Reserve data dating back to 2003 and reflects the 10th consecutive annual increase.

“The reality is that our personal credit cards are maxed out, and our national debt limit is also maxed out. We are in a hole and we must stop digging” emphasized Congressional candidate Johnson.


“I am respectfully asking for your vote in the Republican primary on May 21 and in the general election in November,” said Johnson. “Together, let’s ‘Stop the Stupid in Washington.’”


Davis Lundy
Wayne Johnson for Congress, Inc
+1 478-324-8856
[email protected]

Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/712454830/wayne-johnson-for-congress-says-labor-report-shows-biden-bishop-inflation-destroying-2nd-district-family-incomes

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