RAINCLOUD, an invitation-only global business hub designed to connect professionals within the Defense + AI Ecosystem, has just launched in Stornoway.

We are very excited to announce RAINCLOUD Stornoway. The Outer Hebrides have a long history of playing a key role in global defense issues, in addition to its wild and beautiful landscapes.”

— Norine MacDonald KC, Founder and President of RAIN Defense + AI

STORNOWAY, OUTER HEBRIDES, SCOTLAND, August 28, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — See further below for Gaelic

RAIN Defense + AI announced its Scottish hub for the global platform, based in the historic and beautiful town of Stornoway, Outer Hebrides. RAINCLOUD is an international business hub designed to connect, and support professionals within the Defense + AI Ecosystem.

RAINCLOUD is designed to facilitate engagement within the Defense + AI community. Connectivity features enable members to interact with industry peers, while visibility tools enhance individual and company presence within the global ecosystem. The Digital Defense Show allows for showcasing products, and the Industry Thought Leadership section provides a space for experts to share insights.

Further adding to its comprehensive offerings, RAINCLOUD provides specialized groups, curated events, and news on Defense+AI for in-depth knowledge. From creating an online “product booth” to exploring specialized groups and curated industry news, RAINCLOUD offers a streamlined and multifaceted approach to professional networking and knowledge sharing within the international Defense+AI community.

Norine MacDonald KC, RAINCLOUD founder, stated: “We are very excited to announce RAINCLOUD Stornoway. The Outer Hebrides have a long history of playing a key role in global defense issues, in addition to its wild and beautiful landscapes.

The RAINCLOUD Team Leader in Stornoway, Calum Bartlett, added: ”Our platform is designed to be a catalyst for innovation, collaboration, and growth within the Defense + AI industry. We believe that our unique features will open new doors and create valuable opportunities for all our members.”


RAINCLOUD is an invite-only business hub that aims to connect and empower professionals within the Defense + AI ecosystem. With a focus on networking, visibility, and in-depth knowledge, RAINCLOUD provides the tools and resources needed to stay at the forefront of the industry. For more information, visit the RAIN Defense+AI website or connect on LinkedIn.

The Stornoway RAINCLOUD Team consists of Calum Bartlett (Barvas), Ross Budge (Stornoway) and Ross MacIver (Carloway), as well as Kyle Kunkle originally from Arkansas, United States now of Leurbost, Isle of Lewis.

The CEO of RAIN Defense + AI is Emmanuel Reinert, based in the UAE. Advisors General John Nicholson (US Army, retired), Lieutenant General Giles Hill (British Army, retired), and R. Scott Spellmeyer (Cerberus Capital) have all recently visited Stornoway to support the RAINCLOUD Stornoway launch.

RAINCLOUD founder Norine MacDonald KC recently undertook the renovation of the historic Lewis Building in Stornoway. Roddy Cunningham and the firm of Mann Judd were essential to RAIN Defense+AI establishing an office in the Outer Hebrides. The Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), a Scottish government agency, has also provided a grant to help establish the Stornoway office.

RAIN Defense + AI also has offices in Abu Dhabi, UAE and Washington, United States.



Dh’ainmich RAIN Defense + AI an ionad Albannach aca airson an iomairt eadar-nàiseanta, a bhios suidhichte ann am baile eachdraidheil agus brèagha Steòrnabhagh, na h-Innse Gall. ‘S è RAINCLOUD, iomairt eadar-nàiseanta a tha dealbhaichte airson brosnachadh agus cothroman conaltradh a thoirt do luchd obrach a tha an sàs ann an gnìomhachasan co-cheangailte ri Dìona+AI.

Chaidh goireasan RAINCLOUD a cruthachadh airson conaltradh agus co-obrachadh a’ bhrosnachadh anns an coimhearsnachd a tha ag obair air Dìona+AI. Bidh goireasan coinneachaidh a toirt cothrom don luchd cleachdaidh conaltradh le feadhainn a tha ag obair anns an gnìomhachas, agus bidh goireasan ann a neartaicheas ìomhaigh ghnìomhachais aig ìre eadar-nàiseanta. Tha an Taisbeanadh Dìon Didseatach ga dhèanamh coimeasach na gnìomhan aca a’ shealltainn, agus tha roinn sònraichte ann airson ceannardas gnìomhachail far am faod eòlaichean na beachdan aca fhoillseachadh.

A bharrachd air iad seo, tha RAINCLOUD a tabhann buidhnean sònraichte, tachartasan taghta, agus naidheachdan mu Dìona+AI airson fiosrachadh ann an doimhneachd. Bho cruthachadh “bathar gnìomh” air loidhne, gu rannsachadh buidhnean sònraichte agus naidheachdan gnìomhachail comharraichte, tha RAINCLOUD a tabhann dòigh sgiobalta, agus ioma-chùiseach, ceangail proifeiseanta a’ leudachadh agus fiosrachadh a’ sgaoileadh am broinn coimhearsnachd Dìona+AI.

Thuirt stèidhiche RAINCLOUD, Norine NicDhòmhnaill KC: “Tha sinn air bhioran RAINCLOUD Steòrnabhagh fhosgladh. Tha àite cudromach aig na h-Innse Gall ann an eachdraidh na cruinne a thaobh tachartasan dìona, a bharrachd iar cho àlainn ‘s a tha an tìr.”

A-rèir Ceannard Sgioba Steòrnabhaigh Calum Iain Bartlett: “‘Tha an làrach againn dealbhaichte mar goireas airson ùr-ghnàthachas, co-obrachadh, agus fàs am broinn gnìomhachas Dìona+AI. Tha sinn smaoineachadh gum fosgail na feartan sònraichte againn dorais ùr agus cothroman luachmhor dhan luchd-cleachdaidh againn.”


‘S è làrach gnìomhachais a th’ ann an RAINCLOUD, fosgailte a-mhàin do chuid a fhuair cuireadh, le amas brosnachadh a thoirt do mhuinntir proifeasanta ann an gnìomhachais Dìona+AI. Le fòcas air dèanamh lìonraidh, faicsinneachd, agus eòlas ann an doimhneachd, tha RAINCLOUD a’ tabhann stòras agus goireasan deatamach airson fuireach aig fìor-thoiseach an gnìomhachas.

An sàs ann an sgioba Steòrnabhaigh tha Calum Iain Bartlett (Barabhas), Ross Budge (Steòrnabhagh), agus Ross MacÌomhair (Càrlabhagh), agus cuideachd Kyle Kunkle a bhuineas ri Arkansas, na Stàitean Aonaichte ò thùs, ach a tha nis a fuireach ann an Liùrbost, Eilean Leòdhais.

‘S e Emmanuel Reinert, a tha fuireach ann an UAE, an Àrd-Oifigear. O chionn goirid thànaig na comhairlichean Seanarail John Nicholson (US Army), Seanarail Giles Hill (British Army), agus R. Scott Spellmeyer (Cerberus Capital) a’ chèilidh air Steòrnabhagh airson taic a thoirt dha RAINCLOUD Steòrnabhagh agus è ga chuir air bhog.

O chionn goirid chaidh togalach eachdraidheil an Lewis Bar ùrachadh fo stiùir Norine NicDhòmhnaill KC, stèidhiche RAINCLOUD. Bha Ruairidh Coineaganach agus am buidheann Mann Judd èiseil a thaobh RAIN Defense+AI oifis a stèidheachadh anns na h-Innse Gall. Tha HIE air tabhartas-cuideachaidh a thoirt seachad airson an oifis ann an Steòrnabhagh a chuir air dòigh.

Tha oifisean eile aig RAIN Defense + AI ann an Abu Dhabi, UAE agus Washington, USA.

Calum Bartlett
RAIN Defense + AI
+44 7484 651635
[email protected]
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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/651956896/raincloud-a-defense-ai-platform-launches-in-stornoway-scotland-a-game-changer-in-the-global-defense-ecosystem

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